Capitalism and mutualism beyond borders

Listening again to one of Zizek’s lectures, he makes a great point – that the Occupy movement’s major insight and motivation was that national democratic institutions are insufficient for controlling global finance and capital because the latter go, by definition, beyond borders. It takes a prod like this to remind you why economic democracy is […]

futurefutures: We have had [in England], ever since 1876, a chronic state of stagnation in all dominant branches of industry. Neither will the full crash come; nor will the period of longed-for prosperity to which we used to be entitled before and after it. A dull depression, a chronic glut of all markets for all […]

radicalarchive: ‘Workers’ Opposition’, Chicago, first issue, early 1970’s. Not an official publication of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), ‘Workers’ Opposition’ was published by members of the IWW’s Metal and Machinery Workers Local 440 and Furniture Workers Local 420 to further understanding of the IWW’s ideas and principles.

Formal and radical democracy at work

There are so many ways of looking at democracy, but here are two (connected) ones in the workplace: Formal democracy in the workplace provides employees with a way of expressing their ideas and passions, and venting their frustrations. They range from staff surveys and techniques of engagement right through to non-hierarchical decision making in worker […]

We do not get to vote on who owns what, or on relations in factory and so on, for all this is deemed beyond the sphere of the political, and it is illusory to expect that one can actually change things by “extending” democracy to ple’s control. Radical changes in this domain should be made […]

A society which organises itself without authority is always in existence, like a seed beneath the snow buried under the weight of the state and its bureaucracy, capitalism and its waste, privilege and its injustice. Colin Ward, Anarchy in Action, 1973

unbornchild: “[I]f one is interested in doing historical work that has political meaning, utility and effectiveness, then this is possible only if one has some kind of involvement with the struggles taking place in the area in question. I tried first to do a genealogy of psychiatry because I had had a certain amount of […]